Friday, April 22, 2011


 Howdy everyone!

Today I thought I'd share some rings that I've made over the past 3 years. I shot them all on Sunday and I think the photos look pretty good. What do you think? (see more after the jump!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

100 pageviews

Hey everyone,

Today I've hit 100 page views. That may not be large compared to how many people there are on the internet but I'm still excited!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chopard Animal World

Hello Everyone!

I was going through my past posts today and realized that I never posted this one from way back when. Its short but I think its interesting:

As you will see when I upload some photos of my jewelry, animals are a huge inspiration to me. I love finding animal themed jewelry. When I stumbled across the 2010 collection by Chopard, a family run jewelry and watch making company, I fell in love with their designs. This collection celebrates their 150th anniversary. To see their designs click here.

Until next time,

Arts and Crafts lecture with Todd Conover

Hello Everyone,

Todd Conover from the SU fashion department spoke to my class today about the American Arts and Crafts movement. He is an avid collector of Arts and Crafts items and has a lot of knowledge to share on the subject.  I had no idea that the Arts and Crafts movement originated right here in Syracuse, NY. The topic of the class is metal forming and he was able to share many examples of beautiful raised and formed pieces from his collection (and of his own works). Some of my favorite pieces from his collection are unmarked items often student or amateur work. He brought in a letter opener that he bought on ebay, made by an anonymous maker that exactly matched a DIY project in a journal of the time. There was something so sweet in that 100 years ago, in a time of early mass production, a person had the desire to make and so diligently followed a pattern to have a hand made item they could be proud of. And now that item is being collected, studied by students and will be donated to an Arts and Crafts museum (although I forget which one) to be forever cherished.

A link to Todd's website can be found here (although I can't find a place to look at photos of his collection you can see his own personal artworks).

Until next time,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hinged Ring

Hello everyone!

Its been a while since my last post. I've been super busy lately with less than a month left in school. My classes are more demanding now that its the last chance to turn everything in, work has had me for more hours than usual, job hunting and interviews are becoming more important, and planning for my senior show is really becoming necessary. All of these things are great, exciting, important things but combined they add up to not a lot of free time for blogging. However, with so much going on I will have a lot of things to post.

I thought I'd share a glimpse of a finished piece with you. A few posts ago I showed you a silver ring that I was going to submit to Lark Books 500 Rings. Well, I finished the ring and submitted it. I don't want to spoil the surprise in case I am chosen to be in the book, but here is a cropped image of the finished ring to give you a sneak peek of the final piece.

I am close to completion of another piece but I might hold off on posting a picture becasue it's going to be in my show and I don't want to spoil all of the fun!

Until next time,

P.S. Just a reminder that my BFA show will be on Friday, May 13 at the Delavan Center from 6:30-9:30 pm. If you are in the Syracuse area I would love, love, love if you popped by to say hello and see some beautiful artwork!