Sunday, October 17, 2010

Single Earring

Hello Everyone,

Here are a few photos of an earring I made on Wednesday of last week. I had been working on a larger project when I came to a point where I felt that I couldn't move on with out some more thought. But I was in the making mood and didn't want to leave the studio. So I gathered some of the random things that I have collected and that were just floating in my toolbox waiting to be used. This earring is made with a little circle of iron flashing that I kept from an iron pour that I participated in last fall, some partially melted sterling silver wire and a citrine from a salvaged piece of jewelry. I only have one of each of these elements so there will never be a mate to this earring.

This piece is important to me for several reasons. First of all, I made this earring in 4 hours. For me that's making record time. I have never, ever finished a jewelry piece from conception to finishing in four hours. But there is always a first I guess. It was actually a bit freeing to work this way, with spontaneity, quick decision making and problem solving. This piece is also important to me becasue of the stone setting. I have never made a setting like this before or set a stone this large. I was a little unsure as to its functionality while I was creating the setting, but the stone is secure. (I've worn it for a few days now and it's still there.) And finally, it was just fun to make. I usually work from a preconceived plan but with this piece I worked with my intuition and aesthetic taste. Working in this way made me free and happy. Even though its a small piece, I'm proud of it.

I'd love to know what you all think!

Until next time,

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