Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New York City

Hello Everyone!
Last Friday I took a short trip to NYC partly to visit my sister who now lives there and partly to have an interview for a winter internship at Lucky Magazine.I don't get to visit the city often and every time I do I get a little overwhelmed. I always feel like such a country mouse in the big city. But it was a fun trip none the less although it was a bit too short a visit. I will keep you all updated on the results of the interview.
Until next time,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Visit from Suzanne Ramljak

Hello Everyone!
Today Suzanne Ramljak, editor of Metalsmith magazine, gave a lecture. The topic was contemporary body adornment and armor. It was an interesting (and amusing at times) lecture on wearable objects that people believe have the power to defend and protect. Either by deflecting the negative or attracting the positive. She covered everything from historical amulets and beliefs to their modern interpretations from artists such as Kelly Malec-Kosak, Jan Fabre and David Akins. Before the lecture began, Ms. Ramljak was gracious enough to take the time to look at my jewelry works. She was very nice and encouraging. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet her!
Until next time,

Friday, October 22, 2010

cast sprue

cast sprue
Originally uploaded by Brigitta Elise
Hello Everyone,
Here is a sterling silver sprue that I cast a few weeks ago. Attached are a goose, a bird, and a mouse that I carved out of wax and then cast. I haven't gotten around to using these little critters yet but hopefully they will be used soon.
Until next time,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Single Earring

Hello Everyone,

Here are a few photos of an earring I made on Wednesday of last week. I had been working on a larger project when I came to a point where I felt that I couldn't move on with out some more thought. But I was in the making mood and didn't want to leave the studio. So I gathered some of the random things that I have collected and that were just floating in my toolbox waiting to be used. This earring is made with a little circle of iron flashing that I kept from an iron pour that I participated in last fall, some partially melted sterling silver wire and a citrine from a salvaged piece of jewelry. I only have one of each of these elements so there will never be a mate to this earring.

This piece is important to me for several reasons. First of all, I made this earring in 4 hours. For me that's making record time. I have never, ever finished a jewelry piece from conception to finishing in four hours. But there is always a first I guess. It was actually a bit freeing to work this way, with spontaneity, quick decision making and problem solving. This piece is also important to me becasue of the stone setting. I have never made a setting like this before or set a stone this large. I was a little unsure as to its functionality while I was creating the setting, but the stone is secure. (I've worn it for a few days now and it's still there.) And finally, it was just fun to make. I usually work from a preconceived plan but with this piece I worked with my intuition and aesthetic taste. Working in this way made me free and happy. Even though its a small piece, I'm proud of it.

I'd love to know what you all think!

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brown Eggs for Sale

Brown Eggs for Sale
Originally uploaded by Brigitta Elise
Here is a glimpse at my hometown (actually just outside of my hometown). Sheep and other sweet farm animals are such an inspiration to me.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Hello everyone,

For this first weekend in October, I had a quick but wonderful visit to my hometown, Aaronsburg, PA. It's a very small town in Central Pennsylvania, surrounded by miles and miles of beautiful farmland and forested mountains. Whenever I am in the countryside, I feel at ease and at peace. For me there is something rejuvenating in observing the textures and colors of a field of crispy corn stalks or watching a herd of cows meander over the grassy rolling hills.

On the second and third of this month, my town hosted its annual Fall Festival. This event is something that I look forward to every year although it has hardly changed since the time when I began to frequent it. Local artist sell their wares and give demonstrations, musicians preform live, tours are given of the town's historic one room log cabin (built in 1811) and of course the food vendors feed the crowds with much of their profits donated to local organizations.  Homemade apple dumplings served with locally made ice cream are the Fair's most popular treat. The money made from the sale of these dumplings contributes to the continued growth of the local library.

It is not possible to imagine  a trip home without a few visits to my grandmother. My grandparents were an enormous part of my upbringing and have made such an impact on my life. My grandfather passed away almost 4 years ago but my grandmother still has years of spirit in her. The happy memories that I have of both of them are becoming a huge driving force behind my work. Memories of holidays are inextricably linked with my grandparents. Although it is much too early to really begin celebrating Halloween, I did indulge in pumpkin carving. As a child, pumpkin carving was always led by my grandfather. We have a home video that shows the sweetness with which he helped my cousins, sister and I decorate pumpkins. This is perhaps why I have such clear memories of this October ritual. Now, carving pumpkins and toasting their seeds leaves me with sweet memories of my grandfather, although these remembrances can be quite painful too.

Until next time,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hello World!

Hello everyone,

I think its about time to introduce myself and my work to the world. My name is Brigitta Elise (some people call me Gitta and thats fine) and I've been making jewelry for the past three years. I'm a senior in Syracuse University's Jewelry and Metalsmithing Department and will be graduating in May 2011. Not to be cliche but graduation is both exciting and scary but I know that taking small steps like creating this blog will help to prepare me to enter the real world.

This blog will be dedicated to my jewelry and artwork and other jewelry related topics. I will try to update it at least weekly, and although I see it being a bit challenging (I've never tried to format a blog before) I think that once I get the hang of it, it will be a great way to communicate my work with you.

Until next time,