Wednesday, January 19, 2011

new year, final semester

Hello Everyone,

19 days ago a new year began, yesterday a new (and for me the final) semester of college began. While I may be a little behind for the whole New Years Resolution thing, this new semester has gotten me thinking about what I want to accomplish and change for these last 4 months of college. Right now they are ambiguous thoughts floating around in my head but I hope that soon (maybe in the next week) I will have a more concrete idea of what my hopes for the semester are and be able to share them with all of you.

My final winter break was a busy one. I was living in NYC with my sister Kirsten and her 2 roommates while working an internship at Lucky Magazine in the Accessories Department. The long days and hard work kept me busy all of the time. I did, however, get to spend some quality time at home in PA. What was supposed to be a 4 day Christmas visit with my mom and family turned into a lovely week long stay when my bus back to NYC was canceled becasue of the terrible snow storm that hit the city. I am happy to have had this time at home becasue 2 weeks later my precious little dog, Scottie, became suddenly ill and had to be put to sleep. Right now my heart is too raw to think or say anymore about him other than I will always love him.

Until next time,