Sunday, September 26, 2010

Hello World!

Hello everyone,

I think its about time to introduce myself and my work to the world. My name is Brigitta Elise (some people call me Gitta and thats fine) and I've been making jewelry for the past three years. I'm a senior in Syracuse University's Jewelry and Metalsmithing Department and will be graduating in May 2011. Not to be cliche but graduation is both exciting and scary but I know that taking small steps like creating this blog will help to prepare me to enter the real world.

This blog will be dedicated to my jewelry and artwork and other jewelry related topics. I will try to update it at least weekly, and although I see it being a bit challenging (I've never tried to format a blog before) I think that once I get the hang of it, it will be a great way to communicate my work with you.

Until next time,