Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A long time coming

Hello everyone!

I can't believe it's been almost 5 months since I've last posted. Too long. A lot has happened in those months. I graduated, moved into a new apartment, started a new job and many other little things.

I'm now working as a Recruiting Specialist for Syracuse University's College of Visual and Performing Arts. Since I graduated from VPA and am familiar to the University and the city it's been a fairly smooth transition. The hardest part has been making the adjustment from having a student's unsymmetrical schedule to a regular 9-5 job. In some ways it's easier-I know where to be and when because it's the same everyday. Having no homework has been a pleasant change-I feel like I have so much more free time and so much less stress. But there are aspects of being a student that I miss. I miss having such a sense of community. As a student you are surrounded by hundreds of other people working towards a similar goal, which encourages you go keep working forward. I also miss working creatively all day. My hours to work are much more limited, usually after a full day at work, so I'm really going to have to start disciplining myself to make those hours count. It's not that I don't want to be working on my own projects, I do, it's just different time management.

However, I'm not completely on my own. As a University employee I can take up to 12 credits as part of my benefits package. So I'm enrolled this semester in a graduate jewelry course. Having discussions with other artists is so valuable and I'm grateful to be a part of a class again.

This summer was a bit of a hiatus for me on the jewelry front. I was however working on various projects for my apartment-refinishing furniture etc. My new obsession has been my sewing machine. I love working with the fabrics and have plans for about 15 sewing projects. Right now I'm working pretty traditionally as far as the sewing goes but I'm thinking of ways to incorporate into my jewelry.

I also bought a jewelers bench and am working on creating a home studio. I can feel I'm starting to get jewelry on the brain again and am excited to get back to work in the studio!

Until next time,

Friday, April 22, 2011


 Howdy everyone!

Today I thought I'd share some rings that I've made over the past 3 years. I shot them all on Sunday and I think the photos look pretty good. What do you think? (see more after the jump!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

100 pageviews

Hey everyone,

Today I've hit 100 page views. That may not be large compared to how many people there are on the internet but I'm still excited!
